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Welcome to Beansprout Theatre!


An eco-friendly theatre company created to inspire positive change.



We provide workshops for schools and young people! - Find out more by contacting us here.

What's on

The Girl Who Saved the Sea | April 5th - 7th

The Questors Theatre, Ealing


Join our adventure down the toilet and into the sea to find the Mermaid Queen and save our ocean.


There is an Octopus in Nixie’s toilet and a coral reef that is suffering from the effects of bleaching. It is up to Nixie and Octy to reach the coral reef and help Queen Mermaidia save the ocean. Along the way they must help sea life such as Crablett Crabstein, Gnash the Shark and Tommy Junior overcome the effects of the landwalker’s plastic pollution.


Together they can save the sea!

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